Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Group 180  A Duet - on a poem by Robert Burns  II. 
 2. DJ Spooky  Dis Poem Burns Babylon v2  Creation Rebel 
 3. Aphex Twin & Robert Miles  AFX&Robert Miles-Rare Duet.mp3  Unreleased 
 4. Bob Peden  Complete works of Robert Burns  Bibliopyilia 
 5. belinda subraman  GAS 62 Tribute to Robert Burns w/ Janice Hale-Hobby  Belinda Subraman Presents 
 6. Robert Haas  poet-poem-robert-haas  poet-poem-robert-haas 
 7. Robert Farnsworth  Robert Farnsworth Q&A on the genesis of his poem  From the Fishouse 
 8. Robert Pinsky  poet-poem-robert-pinsky  poet-poem-robert-pinsky 
 9. Robert Haas  poet-poem-robert-haas  poet-poem-robert-haas 
 10. Robert Stepto  Robert Stepto Discusses Elizabeth Alexander's Inaugural Poem  Yale University 
 11. Konkrete Canticle [Voices: Bob Cobbing, Paula Claire, Michael Chant]  A sandwich poem, consisting of Poem for Voice and Mandoline and Poem for Gillian [Bob Cobbing]  Experiments in Disintegrating Language/Konkrete Canticle 
 12. Jas Duke  Shit Poem / 1987 Federal Elections or: The Johns Party / Beijing Town / American President Poem / Hangman Brown  Poems of Life and Death 
 13. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 22-2009: Kevin Kerr, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 14. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 29-2009: Harry S. Dent Jr., Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 15. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 15-2009: Gerald Celente, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 16. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Sep 12-2009: Dr. Marc Faber, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 17. Creeley, Robert  Robert Creeley lecture on Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan.  Robert Creeley lecture on Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan. 
 18. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Nov.7-2009: Jim Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 19. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Nov.7-2009: Jim Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 20. Jim Puplava  Special Gold Roundtable with guests Robert Longe, Robert Quartermain, André Gaumond & Peter Marrone 04/02/2005   
 21. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 22. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 23. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 24. Gerstein / Okazaki  duet  Duets 
 25. Larry G. Alexander  Duet In C#   
 26. Larry G. Alexander  Duet In C#   
 27. Duke Ellington and His Orchest  Duet  The World of Duke Ellington - 
 28. Badgerlore  Duet  We Are All Hopeful Farmers, We Are All Scared Rabbits 
 29. Julio Iglesias  My Way (duet wit   
 30. The Farewell Bikeride  Duet  The Farewell Bikeride 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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